High School Students

For High School Students, we have a dual degree program (where your courses would count for both high school and college credit) or you may take concurrent offerings (where the courses are extra courses that you will take during high school and use for getting ahead in college). 

Dual Degree Programming. If you are interested in completing our dual degree program where you could complete up to an Associate’s degree while in high school, InterLearn Institute is now offering a dual degree program directly to students in partnership with accredited colleges. You can apply to be a student with InterLearn Institute’s K-12 program here.

Concurrent Courses. If you would simply like to supplement your high school courses with some college, this is usually much easier requiring either little or no approval with your school.  

Pricing for dual degree tuition is $7500/year which includes books. Contact us for details on concurrent classes.  

College and University Students

For students already enrolled at a college or university, InterLearn Institute can supply courses for electives, re-take courses, and supplementals that are not available at your home institution in the timing that you need.  

Approval.  It is very important, however, for you to have approval from your home institution to transfer in the courses. While we would be happy to have you take our courses, we would hate for you to successfully complete them only to have your institution deny their use in your degree plan. Should your institution require documentation about our courses and faculty, we are happy to interact with them with you.  

Pricing directly from InterLearn (not through a partner): $200/credit hour

Adult Students

For adult students that are seeking to supplement their training and education or seek a degree in the long run with one of our partners or through transcription services, we offer plans of study that help you accomplish your goals.

Pricing.   $200/credit hour

Discounts available for purchasing bulk hours.  Contact us for details.