A few ways to benefit from our services
InterLearn was established to work with colleges and universities. So, we understand the needs that they have. Here are a few ways we could benefit your institution
Electives/Non-Scheduled Courses
For students who need a few electives or courses that you do not have scheduled in the time that they need it to graduate on time, we have options. With over 250 courses in our library, we have undergrad and grad level options that can help out. Our courses are offered by accredited institutions across the U.S. Our faculty meet accreditation requirements for all the major bodies.
Articulation & Transcription Agreements
We are always looking for ways to help 1) colleges grow and 2) provide access for students. So, we develop articulation agreements with colleges to allow students that work with us paths to enter our partner colleges. For students who have a destination institution that we don’t have a relationship with, we use transcription agreements to get them there. With a transcription agreement, students pay the college a fee to put the courses earned through InterLearn Institute on the college’s transcripts and then they can transfer them anywhere they would like. To learn more about this process, request our white paper on the process here.
Electives – Revenue Share
If you need some extra summer and elective offerings, we can revenue share with you to provide options for your students. Students can use their financial aid to pay you your normal rate and then you pay us for delivery of the courses. Give yourself more opportunities while decreasing your workload.
Full Online Programs – Revenue Share
If you would like to offer full online programs internally, we have full associates through graduate programs available along with other services to support those offerings (student recruiting, financial aid consulting, personnel recruiting, accreditation, and prior learning assessment services. Check out those options at Interlearned.com.