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K-12 Online School
In Fall 2024, InterLearn Institute (ILI) will begin offering an 11th and 12th grade, dual degree high school diploma and associate’s degree in partnership with U.S. accredited colleges coupled with the T3 Quality Management Certificate from the Quality Management Institute. The T3 QM Certificate helps individuals be a “Top Ten Teammate” in the workplace by helping individuals engage more effectively in the workplace through quality practices.
Learn about dual degree programming in our short video here.
Here is the curriculum for the 11th and 12th grade program:
Fall Semester – 11th Grade

Spring Semester – 11th Grade

Fall Semester – 12th Grade

Spring Semester – 12th Grade

Students may select courses from any undergraduate course from our library for the electives or may choose a specific area of focus (business, human services, leadership, psychology, etc., as noted below).
Our price includes tuition and books. The only additional fee is the application fee (one-time $50 fee).
*First Semester Scholarship available.
Ready to Apply to InterLearn Institute’s K-12 Program?
All Undergraduate Courses Available – All Programs
(unless otherwise noted, courses are five weeks in length)
COM 210 Public Speaking (16 weeks)
ECN 205 Introduction to Economics
ENG 110 Composition & Research (16 weeks)
ENG 115 Literature & Research (16 weeks)
ENG 120 English Grammar
FIN 105 Personal Financial Management
FRE 100 French I (16 weeks)
FRN 200 French II (16 weeks)
GEN 101 Introduction to Research
GEN 110 College Success Skills
GEN 115 Technology for College
GEN 120 College Writing and Research I
GEN 125 College Writing and Research II
GEN 210 Origins Science
GEN 221 Environmental Science
GEN 225 Introduction to Geology
HIS 110 World History (16 week)
HUM 130 Introduction to Psychology
HUM 133 Philosophy and Worldviews
HUM 212 General Psychology
HUM 230 Cultural Diversity
HUM 231 World Civilizations
HUM 235 Literary Themes
HUM 330 Personal and Social Ethics
MAT 550 College Algebra (16 week)
MUS 210 Music Appreciation (16 weeks)
PHL 200 Intro to Philosophy (16 weeks)
PSY 210 General Psychology (16 weeks)
SOC 250 Principles of Sociology
SPA 100 Spanish I (16 weeks)
SPA 200 Spanish II (16 weeks)
SPE 200 Oral Communication
BIB 100 Studying the Bible
BIB 140 Old Testament Survey
BIB 145 New Testament Survey
BIB 301 Biblical Resources for Professionals
BIB 340 Life of Christ
BIB 344 Redemption in the Old Testament
BIB 350 Scripture and Christian Living
BIB 360 Biblical Theology
BIB 365 Romans
BIB 370 Pauline Epistles
BIB 442 Letters of Paul
BIB 475 Biblical Studies Capstone
BIB 460 Introduction to Apologetics
CHU 300 Church Planting Models & Methods
CHU 350 Church Resource Management
HUM 135 Christian Worldview
HUM 240 History of Baptists
ICS 200 Biblical Foundations for Global Outreach
ICS 210 Discovering the Mission of God
LEA 480 Leadership & Ministry Capstone
MIN 160 Living the Christian Faith
MIN 165 Sharing and Defending the Faith
MIN 190 Spiritual Formation
MIN 220 Issues in the Africa Church
MIN 260 Discipling and Mentoring
MIN 265 Teaching the Christian Faith
MIN 360 Marketplace Ministry
MIN 370 Mission and Evangelism
MIN 375 Local Church Missions
MIN 450 Management Essentials for Ministry
MIN 455 Cross-Cultural Ministry (8 weeks)
MIN 460 Teaching and Preaching
MIN 465 Pastoral Care
MIN 466 Biblical Counseling
MIN 470 The Church’s Ministry to Families (8 weeks)
PSY 410 Marriage and Family
SOC 256 Marriage and Family
THE 112 Progressive Revelation
THE 230 Theology I
THE 235 Theology II
THE 251 Fundamentals of Theology
THE 253 Theology Fundamentals
THE 255 Introduction to Dispensational Theology
THE 256 Christian Theology I
THE 310 Historical Theology
THE 350 Theology of Leadership
THE 440 Apologetics
THE 452 Studies in Dispensationalism
THE 453 Christian Theology II
THE 454 Knowing God
WOM 300 The Role of Women in Church Administration and Leadership
WOM 350 Leadership Development and Strategies for Women
YTH 300 Philosphy and Theology of Youth Ministry
YTH 340 Evangelizing & Discipling Youth (8 weeks)
YTH 430 Strategies for Youth Ministry (8 weeks)
BIB 301 Biblical Resources for Professionals
BUS 110 Introduction to Business
BUS 205 Introduction to Economics
BUS 225 Financial Management
BUS 230 Introduction to Finance
BUS 245 Accounting I
BUS 255 Fundamentals of Business Law
BUS 260 Global Issues in Business
BUS 275 Business Case Study
BUS 332 Business Ethics
BUS 410 Management of Information Systems
BUS 430 Management of Marketing
BUS 445 Accounting II
BUS 465 Finance and Budgeting for Managers
BUS 470 Personnel Development
BUS 475 Operations Management
BUS 480 International Issues in Business
BUS 485 Strategic Management
BUS 495 Business Portfolio
ECN 205 Introduction to Economics
FIN 105 Personal Financial Management
HCA 110 Introduction to Healthcare Administration
HCA 150 Introduction to Public Community Health
HCA 200 Healthcare Management & Delivery Systems
HCA 220 Healthcare Finance
HCA 240 Healthcare Ethics & Medical Law
HCA 300 Long Term Care
HCA 320 Healthcare Economics
HCA 330 Healthcare Policy
HCA 340 Continuous Quality Improvement and Accreditation
HCA 400 Managing Human Resources and Health Professionals
HCA 450 Healthcare Planning and Evaluation
HCA 490 Healthcare Administration Capstone
LEA 170 Introduction to Leadership
LEA 175 Communication for Leaders
LEA 270 Issues in Christian Leadership
LEA 280 Leadership and Ministry Capstone
LEA 370 Organizational Leadership
LEA 375 Working with Teams
LEA 472 Mobilization of Volunteers
LEA 480 Leadership & Ministry Capstone
MIN 360 Marketplace Ministry
MIN 450 Management Essentials for Ministry
MKT 300 Perspectives for the Professional Recruiter
MKT 350 Systems Thinking for the Professional Recruiter
MKT 400 Communication Patterns for the Professional Recruiter
MKT 450 Professional Recruiting Industry Capstone
PSY 205 Organizational and Industrial Psychology
SOC 125 Empowerment Coaching
HMS 320 Case Management
PSY 478 Human Services Capstone
SOC 255 Introduction to Human Services
SOC 295 Human Services Case Study
CJS 251 Introduction to Criminal Justice
CJS 330 Law Enforcement & Corrections
CJS 350 Deviant Behavior
CJS 370 Juvenile Law and Delinquency
COM 200 Introduction to Communication Theory
COM 210 Public Speaking (16 weeks)
COM 350 Media Literacy
COM 390 Advanced Public Speaking
LEA 175 Communication for Leaders
MKT 400 Communication Patterns for the Professional Recruiter
SPE 200 Oral Communication
CNC 440 Sexuality Counseling (8 weeks)
CNC 470 Short Term Counseling (8 weeks)
CNC 475 Psychopathology for Ministry Contexts (8 weeks)
MIN 400 Counseling Children Youth & Families (8 weeks)
MIN 465 Pastoral Care
MIN 466 Biblical Counseling
PSY 349 Theories and Foundations of Counseling
PSY 456 Survival Psychology
GEN 452 Interpersonal Skills
HUM 130 Introduction to Psychology
PSY 210 General Psychology (16 weeks)
PSY 235 Developmental Psychology
PSY 310 Abnormal Psychology
PSY 325 Social Psychology
PSY 349 Theories and Foundations of Counseling
PSY 382 Research Statistics
PSY 410 Marriage and Family
PSY 456 Survival Psychology
PSY 478 Human Services Capstone
SOC 256 Marriage and Family
HIS 110 World History (16 weeks)
HUM 133 Philosophy and Worldviews
HUM 230 Cultural Diversity
HUM 231 World Civilizations
HUM 235 Literary Themes
HUM 240 History of Baptists
HUM 330 Personal and Social Ethics
MUS 210 Music Appreciation (16 weeks)
PHL 200 Intro to Philosophy (16 weeks)
SOC 250 Principles of Sociology
LEA 170 Introduction to Leadership
LEA 175 Communication for Leaders
LEA 270 Issues in Christian Leadership
LEA 280 Leadership and Ministry Capstone
LEA 370 Organizational Leadership
LEA 375 Working with Teams
LEA 472 Mobilization of Volunteers
LEA 480 Leadership & Ministry Capstone
MIN 450 Management Essentials for Ministry
MKT 300 Perspectives for the Professional Recruiter
MKT 350 Systems Thinking for the Professional Recruiter
SOC 255 Introduction to Human Services
SOC 256 Marriage and Family
THE 350 Theology of Leadership
HCA 110 Introduction to Healthcare Administration
HCA 150 Introduction to Public Community Health
HCA 200 Healthcare Management & Delivery Systems
HCA 220 Healthcare Finance
HCA 240 Healthcare Ethics & Medical Law
HCA 300 Long Term Care
HCA 320 Healthcare Economics
HCA 330 Healthcare Policy
HCA 340 Continuous Quality Improvement and Accreditation
HCA 400 Managing Human Resources and Health Professionals
HCA 450 Healthcare Planning and Evaluation
HCA 490 Healthcare Administration Capstone
HMS 320 Case Management